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Our newest book and more


We are excited to be releasing our second book in the My Friend series: My Friend, Jesus. If you and your child have enjoyed My Friend, Holy Spirit, then you will want to get our newest book in the series! In this book, we introduce you to Jesus in a fun, child-like, and powerful way. Not only will your child learn who Jesus is, and what Jesus has done for us, but they will also learn that Jesus wants to be our friend and live life with us daily.


To celebrate this new book release we have had special Jesus and Holy Spirit plushies designed. These plushies are great quality, and are sure to help your child connect with both Jesus and Holy Spirit in an intimate way. The plushies are $20 each, and will be ordered on a limited run. Plushies must be pre-ordered. Once pre-order closes, there will not be another chance to purchase a plushie. The books, however, will eventually be sold on Amazon.

Pre-orders will close on January 5, 2025!

To pre-order the plushies and/or the new book, please fill out the inquiry below. An invoice will be sent to you shortly afterward. All pre-orders will be shipped by March 2025.


Pre-Order Here

Which plushies would you like to order? ($20 each)
Which book would you like to order? ($14.99 each)

Our desire is to connect you with the only true source of life, Jesus Christ. We believe that knowing Jesus, and knowing the Father is where we are truly changed and empowered to live a holy life and to be His witness to others. 

"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me." John 15:4

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©2023 by Abide to Love, Inc.



PO Box 745 

Land o Lakes, Fl 34639


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